The title of this blog may take most of you by surprise but it's true I have made huge improvements! I have made dinner almost every night we have lived here. Not just mac n cheese or pasta roni... like real meals. I have decided that Travis is going to just have to get over his anti-leftover idea. It is impossible to cook for just two people unless you cook pasta roni, which is why that is all I have made for the last two years...(ok maybe not the only reason...) Moving away has inspired me to start cooking real meals. This has come about because Travis and I both have the ability to have a hot lunch, the Vet school has microwaves EVERYWHERE so I can heat up leftovers and Travis comes home for lunch (he works across the street). Now there is no excuse for me to not cook large well balanced meals. As I keep writing I know my mother is tearing up with pride and my sister's mouth is dropping. (My brothers are laughing in disbelief). So yes I have made the following: Black bean chicken chili, stuffed shells with homemade breadsticks, baked cream cheese spaghetti,homemade biscuits, chicken roll ups, stir fry AND... every sunday: ROAST, POTATOES, HOMEMADE ROLLS, GRAVY, and CARROTS. I believe that the need for my brain to think about anything but school has pushed me to cooking meals PLUS my stomach wanting real food. We will see how long this new me sticks around but hopefully it lasts a little longer! Thanks mom and Tehmi for answering my phone calls mid-meal to help me out!
I would post some pictures but I'm not a talented photographer so the food would look less appetizing than it really was.