WOOOO 2nd set of Mid-Terms are done!!! It is such a relief every time a set of tests are done. This weekend was a three day weekend since WSU gets Veterans day off. I didn't even know what to do with myself! A whole day off, with no tests needing to be studied for! I slept in, cleaned my house, did laundry, took a run OUTSIDE, (it's too dark in mornings before school, so to the gym I go), I had to study a little, but just the normal every day keep up! Then I watched tv shows, baked banana bread and made dinner, pretty much all of the household and wifely duties I neglect during the semester. Weekends have become nothing much to look forward to since I end up at the school at the same time as during the week. But as 7 am rolled around this Saturday I just turned over and went back to sleep! Travis was a little taken aback by the fact that I was still in the bed Saturday AM. Apparently he quite enjoys sprawling across the bed on saturdays after I go to school! We have found an awesome gun club in Colton WA which is about 12 miles south of Pullman. The town of Colton has about 200 people, a bank, and a gun club. You bring your own shells and guns and pay 3$ per 25 skeet. We headed out the last 2 weekends with some friends and it has been a blast. A great way to get outside and OUT of the vet school. We had a great time with great company. We will be making it a regular outing.
P.S. 7 days until UTAH!